FAC Family News: November

Heart to Heart

I know the calendar just flipped over from October to November, which means Thanksgiving is just weeks away. For most of us, that’s such a special time of year. Family & friends gather, meals are enjoyed, and people stop to give thanks. Or at least, that’s how it plays out in my head. But sadly, the reality can be far from the truth. In fact, as it says in 2 Timothy 3:2, the terrible times of the last days will be marked by a complete lack of gratitude.

While that may be true in the world around us, it should never be true amongst God’s people. We have so much to be grateful for. The Word urges us express constant thanksgiving - “Rejoice always, pray constantly and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, for us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

So what are you thankful for today? I’m getting ready to jump on a plane to do ministry on the other side of the world. So my head is already “there”, but my “heart” is full of gratitude here.

I am blessed to be part of such a giving & serving church. I want to say again how good it was to see how well our people served our neighbors last night during our annual Party @ the Patch. Thanks to all who invested so much time, energy and effort into that outreach. Many of our guests expressed their appreciation for providing such a family-friendly, fun, Halloween event.

I am grateful for our Elders & our Governing Board leadership team. FAC has been well-served by these faithful servants of the LORD. Thank you Bruce, Mark, Hans, Sheryl, Mark, Tim, Ron and Del. Add to that, Phil’s partnership in the ministry, and the almost 30 years of ministry that Rita has invested in FAC, and how can we say anything but “praise the LORD!” We are a blessed church!!

THANKS to all of our Childrens, Youth and Adult ministry people. You are making an eternal investment in the hearts & lives of people every week. Thanks to the “Kitchen Ladies” who feed us each week, and to those who serve quietly behind the scenes. You make God smile, as you serve others. Would you join me in expressing thanks to our worship & tech teams, as they pour it out week after week, all year long! Our hearts and souls are richer, because they lead us well in worship. Thank you to all who volunteer and serve alongside our community partners. You are making a significant impact within our city, and we are grateful to the LORD for you!

I want to express a special thanks to Diana and my entire family for the many ways that you serve our FAC family. Stephen, thanks for leading our Tech team – Ashley, I love how you serve with both the Worship team and our Unashamed Youth. Samuel, you make Grandpa proud, as you help me set up the church each weekend, before people show up. Diana, you are such a great partner in life & ministry, and I’m forever grateful! Thanks for the countless hours you’ve invested to care for our people, to prepare slides & sermon outlines for the weekends, and for faithfully serving on the Tech Team. It’s been so good to serve together at FAC these past 7 years, and I look forward to all that God has in store for us in the coming year.

My deepest thanks go to the LORD, for His unfailing love. I am rich beyond measure because of God’s incredible mercy & grace. I have been blessed with the gift of forgiveness & salvation, and delight in hearing the voice of my Savior, saying “this is the way, walk in it.” May the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted, as we celebrate the One who came, extending Hope to each of us.

Join me this month, in deliberately taking time to give thanks each day. May we express our gratitude to the people around us, and chose a lifestyle of “thanksliving”, as we allow the light of Christ to shine through us in this dark, troubled world.

Serving Christ together - Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><