FAC Family News: March

Heart to Heart

Old Man Winter sent us a little reminder this week, that he isn’t finished yet. But the snow, icy roads and cold can’t cancel the warmth and new life of Spring, that’s just around the corner.

In the same way, death could not hold Christ in the grave, because the resurrection power of God was at work. I’m so grateful there is a season called Easter, when we are reminded that we serve a God, who can bring forth life from death, just like Winter must give way to Spring.

We have been exploring God’s glorious Gospel, of how it’s possible for sinners like us to be made fully acceptable to God. As the apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 1:16, gaining a right standing before God is not about our religious efforts or based on how spiritual we are. The truth is we have nothing to offer Him, beyond our brokenness and spiritual bankruptcy. That reality cements why we all desperately need a Savior.

Here’s the best news ever to a broken, sinful world: God does not want to hold our sins against us. Out of a deep heart of loving compassion, He chose to put in motion a rescue plan that involves His Son and a “righteousness from heaven.” Paul sums up this Gospel in Romans 4:25, where he declares that Jesus was “handed over for our sins, and raised up for our justification.” It’s all about the Cross and the Empty Tomb.

The weeks leading up to Easter are known as the season of Lent. This is a time for laying down things that distract us or keep us from fixing our eyes on Jesus. As we reflect on what Christ did for us, and see how He suffered for us on the Cross, our hearts and souls are more fully prepared to celebrate “Christ crucified” and the glorious news that we can experience “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Our hope is not based on the story of a good man who sadly died, but on a Savior who voluntarily took our place and willingly died the death we deserve. As if that wasn’t enough, He then arose from the grave thru the power of the Spirit, triumphing over death on the 3rd day, just as He promised.

We believe that God sent Jesus to save us and that He brought Christ back to life, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the punishment for our sins has been paid in full, once and for all. There’s nothing we need to add to what Jesus has already done – expect to receive this gift of grace by faith.

Faith is choosing to place our lives & eternal future in His nail-scarred hands, trusting that the same power which raised Jesus from the dead, will raise us up too, so that we can be with Christ forever.

May your heart be encouraged, and your faith strengthened, as we move toward Easter. Though our sins are many, He has erased them all and paid the price to set us free. His righteousness has graciously been credited to us, as we place our trust in the Risen Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Christ triumphed on the Cross, and the tomb is proof that His sacrifice has been fully accepted.

Hallelujah!! What a Savior!! He Is RISEN!!!

Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><

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