FAC Family News: April

Heart to Heart

As I write this month’s newsletter, we are just days away from Palm Sunday which in the church world kicks off Holy Week, leading to Good Friday and then culminating with Resurrection Sunday. In other words, Easter is right around the corner.

I find myself wondering again what people outside the church think of Easter. Businesses try to make the most of the season with their Easter lily sales, along with the Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies & foil-wrapped eggs. Schools typically choose to remain neutral, going for a “spring celebration” theme.

I know here in Billings, as in so many other places, thousands of kids and their parents will head to one of the Easter Egg Hunts hosted by churches & other groups. From a kid’s perspective, Easter becomes all about gathering as many eggs as possible, so you can enjoy weeks of free candy. If you’re a dentist or work at the dentist office, you know there will be a sharp uptick in activity in the near future.

A good number of people still realize that churches often put on special programs during Easter. There will be big music cantatas accompanied by dramas or a series of gripping mini movies put up on the screen. Some churches will host “sunrise services” in places like the Rimrocks (which often means dealing with the cold and spring snow showers). Many churches like ours, will offer Easter brunches before or after the Sunday service. According to Barna, fewer people will plan to spontaneously “go to church” on Easter, but they will still come, if we invite them as our guests (hint: who are you giving your Easter invite cards to?).

And what about those of us within the church. What has Easter become in our hearts and lives?

I pray that at FAC, we will continue to make this season all about the Lord Jesus Christ. May we take time to reflect on the greatness of our Father’s love for a lost, broken, dying world – and Jesus’ wiliness to volunteer for the mission to come and save us. May our hearts marvel at Jesus’ humility and obedience – as He came not to be served, but to serve and offer His life as a ransom for many.

My hope is that we would rehearse in our heart, the steps Jesus took that led to the Cross. Ponder the pain of His betrayal as he shared a final Passover with His disciples. Remember how He was abandoned in the Garden, before being led away to be unjustly accused. May we weep at the injustice and brutality He experienced in our place. May we stand in awe as He allowed His life to become the exchange for Barabbas’ life. May our hearts bow in reverence & awe, as we hear the crucified Christ plead to the Father for our forgiveness, and then declare the penalty of sin paid in full for all time & eternity. May we linger at the Cross, as Christ died the death we deserve.

Then may we approach anticipation Easter Sunday, when the empty tomb was discovered. May our hearts be filled with joy that death could not hold Jesus, but that He triumphed and forever broke the power of death & sin. May our hearts leap at the news, “He is Risen!” May our voices shout out “He is Risen indeed! Our Savior, lives!!”

Beloved, Easter commemorates the greatest day ever!! Because on that glorious resurrection morning, the Risen Christ became living proof that God’s grace saves. Forgiveness has been extended. Our sin debt, cancelled. Christ’s righteousness applied. Eternal life purchased. Rebels reconciled & reunited with our heavenly Father. We are now fully accepted. Adopted as His sons and daughters. Welcomed in His presence. Gifted with the Holy Spirit. Infused with the hope of glory. All thru the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, shed on the Cross. Our Passover Lamb was slain, and then on the 3rd day raised back to life. He lives forevermore!! He is the very Son of God, our Savior. All praise and honor, glory and power to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! May we join with all heaven, in that Hallelujah song of praise.

This is Easter. This is the glorious Good News. And this is what you and I are to communicate to those around us.

May we be faithful to point people to Jesus. We proclaim Him!

Grateful to offer Help & Hope together – Pastor A & Diana <><