FAC Family News: May

Heart to Heart

It’s a glorious May Day, as I sit down to write this newsletter. Blue skies, green grass, trees leafing out, and the sights & sounds of new life are all around us.

I love spring weather, when we see the dead leaves and brown lawns transformed by April showers with their life-giving water which nurtures the May flower gardens. It’s invigorating to feel the warmth of the sunshine, and to see fresh growth in every direction, as garden perennials and bushes burst into new life. What a great picture our God paints, of what He wants to do for each of us spiritually.

I know that we live in a fallen, broken world and that we will have our share of troubles & hardships. But what gives us eternal encouragement and good hope (2 Thess.2:16) is the knowledge that Christ has overcome the world. He died on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose again as God’s victory shout that death is defeated and sin’s dominion over mankind is over. These truths fuel our hope and put courage within us to keep fighting to do what’s right, no matter what. To that end, the apostle Paul prays for believers in a local church, to “be encouraged, and strengthened for every good deed and word” (v.17).

So, as you head out to sports events, put the boat in the water and make those first casts with your fishing pole, or enjoy planting your garden, may you see fresh reminders of God’s faithful love. May this be a month of gentle Holy Spirit rain showers, that nurture the Christ life within you. And may you also experience His fire from heaven, igniting fresh passion for the lost. Pray for a fresh infilling of His Spirit – over and over again. Do it again, LORD, just like you did at Pentecost!

Joyfully serving the LORD together with you,

Pastor A & Diana <><