FAC Family News: August

Heart to Heart

This has been an unusual year for FAC. I hope that you’ve appreciated God’s kindness to us, in bringing so many of our Alliance IWs to FAC over these past 9 months.

Just think back with me who we’ve seen. Back in in late October 2022 – Mike from Senegal shared his heart concerning the work in St Louis. His message and stories were so timely, as Team Senegal was gearing up for our February 2023 trip, that had us working alongside Mike’s colleagues in Senegal. Then, in early May, we enjoyed connecting with Tim & Penny who serve on the opposite side of the world, in the Asia region. A month later, the Erickson family stayed with us for a week (right after Council in Spokane – where FAC hosted a meal for over 15 people tied to our partnership ministry in West Africa). It was awesome to connect with Josh & Heather, along with their children. Last month, we enjoyed brief visits with the extended Douglas family, several of whom serve with the Canadian Alliance in the Asia region. And now, we are hosting Andre & Kate, a CAMA couple (along with their two young children) who also serve in the Asia region.

Friends, that’s blessing on top of blessing!! We have been reminding ourselves that God has called us as His people, to be a channel of BLESSING to the nations – Genesis 12:3. The 5 things that we can do to BLESS our neighbors, is how our IW friends are living out their calling - “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3

Think of the added blessing FAC has enjoyed these past months. These devoted servants of the LORD have helped us to hear God’s heartbeat for the nations - His desire to reach all peoples with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While they visit with us, we heard their stories of how they came to faith in Christ, and how the LORD called them to serve as IWs. As they talk about their life and ministry, we hear stories of how other people have come to faith and have been marvelously transformed by the power of Christ. Through our IWs, we have also gained a clearer picture of what God is doing through our larger Alliance family.

Another blessing has been to have a two-way relationship established with our partners in West Africa. We have served alongside them where they serve, and now they’ve come to FAC and seen where we live and serve. We also believe that God is talking to hearts of who might go in the Fall of 2024, when our next team heads for Senegal.

I hope this encourages your hearts as it does mine, and that the Holy Spirit continues to stir us to pray earnestly, to give generously to Alliance missions, and to even say with Isaiah, “here am I, send me!”

Grateful for God’s kindness to us – Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><