FAC Family News: July

Heart to Heart

Jesus noted the tired looks on his disciple’s faces. They were running so hard, there was no time to eat. And the needs of the crowds just continued to grow. It was right in the midst of an intense ministry season, that Jesus said, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31). As one wag put it, Jesus’ words were to “come apart with me” before you completely “come apart.”

We’re in July now, and there are all kinds of trips being taken and others being planned. Some involve family reunions, while others are to break away from work and find a quiet spot to retreat. What all of them have in common, is the desire to “get some rest.” As you read this newsletter, Diana and I are on the road and in pursuit of some rest, ourselves. We may even be a living example of Jesus’ observation that the needs of the crowd were overwhelming the disciples to the point of exhaustion. Rest is something all of us need, although what that looks like is as different as there are people.

Last Saturday’s hike and my personal time up in the Beartooths the day before, both helped to charge my batteries. I need those times in the mountains and taking in the majestic vistas, to let some of the weight and burden of ministry fall off my shoulders. Capturing some of those images on my camera, helps me to go back for some “micro-vacations” as I take a few moments to enjoy that landscape photo and am reminded of how restful that place was.

While hiking with our people and the Ericksons on top of the Bighorn Mtns last weekend, I captured this shot. It speaks volumes to me. This trail has both people and vehicles using it. The message is the same for both – hurry up and slow down. When you move at a slower speed, you catch more of the scenery, and your soul has a chance to be refreshed.

God invites us to slow down and sit at His feet, drinking in the living water of His Word. “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isa.30:15). When burdens are laid down, and we choose to pull in tandem with Jesus, He promises refreshing and rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-29). The weariness and weight of life in a broken world, will be replaced by the joy of having the LORD carry those things for us.

Paradise Falls is definitely a top 3 on my list of places I want to go to again this summer. The stream turns into a series of small waterfalls and pools of water, with a rock slide. Across the way are large granite spires, and a beautiful misty waterfall (Paradise Falls). I could sit there for hours – and hope to in the near future.

In the meantime, we are following Jesus’ instructions in retreating with Him, and as we do, finding rest for our weary souls. We have been praying for your vacation travel, and would appreciate it if you would pray for ours. Lord willing, when we show up again on the 12th, you’ll be able to tell that we’ve spent some great time with the LORD, with family & friends, and we’ve come home refreshed.

Joyfully serving the LORD with you,

Pastor A & Diana <><