FAC Family News: June

Heart to Heart

It’s June, and school is about over. The students are getting antsy & can’t wait for summer break to start. Wise teachers plan field trips and sports days. Last week, I had the privilege of volunteering with Ms Bell’s 2nd grade class at Central Heights Elementary for some year-end activities.

I spent an enjoyable couple of hours with my reading students at Zoo Montana. It was a blue-sky day, and the students got to see some rather unique things. There was plenty of laughter and a few groans we “just keep walking”. But the tigers were out where we could see them, and we watched both grizzly bears foraging for food, right in front of us. Then the bald eagles put on a show. But the highlight for me, was having 2 different students pull out their “Africa” gift out of their backpacks. They still remember Roary (the class stuffed lion) and his trip to Senegal with me. I’m grateful that has been such a memorable thing to them.

I also got to take the class on a couple hours of sports activities on their Field Day. We laughed together and competed at trying to capture the flag. Later, I coached them in “tug-of-war”. I may have even helped several girl’s teams, take on the boys and win… It was a great way to wrap up our year together. I left them with a variety of pictures of Roary in Africa, and a challenge to keep reading through the summer.

Why am I sharing all this with you? Because we’re about to jump into the summer months, when we do different types of activities from the rest of the year. Those are activities that you’re going to want to be part of.

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage in the Grill & Chill BBQs or to try out one of the hikes in the nearby mountains. It’s not just an event – it’s a relationship building opportunity to strengthen ties, that create a sense of oneness & community together. Let’s be intentional at engaging, as we help each other grow deeper in our walk with Jesus.

If you have a desire to learn how to share your faith, we will be teaching on personal evangelism during the 9am Adult Bible Class, starting June 4th . Jump in and put some super helpful tools in your faith toolbox.

And don’t forget to explore a community partnership to be a part of. Our partnership with Central Heights Elementary pauses over the summer, but the anticipation is already building for what next Fall will look like. We have 8 different community partnerships for you to explore. Check out the Community Partnership board in the lobby for more information.

I am looking forward to these summer months, and trust that you are too. May we continue to offer help and hope to our community, even as we live out our faith all summer long.

Joyfully serving the LORD with you,

Pastor A & Diana <><